You can make a difference

Thank you for your interest in supporting HolyFlame Ministry.
Your gift enables our ministry and partners to share the love of God
with prisoners, ex-prisoners and their children, and encourage for second chances.
God lifts up and makes whole new.

How to Give

To donate by mail, simply send a cheque to HFM's mailing address. Please remember to include your name and address in the description so that we can send you a tax receipt.

PO Box 1962, PRO Village Mall,
Aldergrove, BC V4W 0A6
Recipient: Holy Flame Ministries

To donate through e-transfers, please send your donation to the provided email address. Make sure to include your name and address in the description so that we can send you a tax receipt.
Recipient: Holy Flame Ministries

We utilize Paypal for online donations, as it provides a convenient and efficient method to contribute using your credit card. With Paypal, you have the option to make a one-time donation or set up recurring automated giving.

Give online  →

You can make arrangements to transfer funds to a Korean bank account from your own Korean bank account.

Recipient (받는이): 유혜선
KB국민은행 666202-01-693702

HFM is a non-profit organization that seeks to provide both spiritual and practical support for prisoners and ex-prisoners through visits.
Whether in prison or in the community, HFM aims to help. 

  • Address
  • P.O Box 1962, Aldergrove, RPO Village mall BC, V4W 0A6

  • Email